On February 13, 2025, the first workshop on professional and accurate reporting of Albania’s EU accession negotiations was held at the premises of the Albanian Public Broadcaster (RTSH). This […]
Public procurement
The acquis on public procurement includes general principles of transparency, equal treatment, free competition and non-discrimination
Chapter 18The acquis in the field of statistics requires the existence of a statistical infrastructure based on principles such as impartiality, reliability, transparency, confidentiality of individual data and dissemination of official statistics.
Judiciary and fundamental rights
Chapter 23
EU policies in the area of judiciary and fundamental rights aim to establish an independent and efficient judiciary as of paramount importance.
Justice, Freedom and Security
Chapter 24
EU policies aim to maintain and further develop the Union as an area of freedom, security and justice. On issues such as border control, visas, external migration, asylum, police cooperation, the fight against organised crime and against terrorism, cooperation in the field of drugs, customs cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal and civil matters,
Financial control
Chapter 32The acquis under this chapter relates to the adoption internationally recognised frameworks and standards, as well as EU good practice, on public internal financial control (PIFC), based upon the principle of decentralised managerial accountability.
News and activities
Cluster One EU Negotiations Platform – Albania (C1-EU-NPA)
Roundtable Discussion on “Standards for Implementing the Public Consultation Process in Albania: Findings and Recommendations.”
The Institute of Political Studies (ISP) held a Roundtable Discussion on “Standards for Implementing the Public Consultation Process in Albania: Findings and Recommendations.” This event, moderated by lecturer and […]
Roundtable on the Role of the Reform Commission for EU Integration
On November 8, 2024, the Center for the Study of Governance and Democracy organized a roundtable discussion at Hotel Rogner, focusing on “Strengthening Parliamentary Oversight and Accountability in Drafting […]
Roundtable to consult on the findings and recommendations outlined in its Position Paper regarding the contributions and challenges of Civil Society in Albania
On October 24th, the Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) held a Discussion Roundtable to consult on the findings and recommendations outlined in its Position Paper regarding the contributions and challenges […]
Roundtable on aligning Albania’s legal framework with the EU’s Anti-SLAPP Directive and the Council of Europe’s recommendations
SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) pose a serious threat to media freedom and democratic engagement in Albania. Journalists and activists face growing legal intimidation designed to silence their […]
Roundtable “Standards of Representation: Inclusion of People with Special Needs in Elections and Political Life.”
The Constitution of the Republic of Albania, along with national legislation and international commitments, obligates the Albanian state to uphold the right to vote for all citizens, including thousands […]
Cluster One EU Negotiations Platform – Albania (C1-EU-NPA)
Workshop on Reporting the European Union Accession Process – Analysis of Challenges and Perspectives for RTSH Journalists
Roundtable Discussion on “Standards for Implementing the Public Consultation Process in Albania: Findings and Recommendations.”
Roundtable on the Role of the Reform Commission for EU Integration
Roundtable to consult on the findings and recommendations outlined in its Position Paper regarding the contributions and challenges of Civil Society in Albania
Roundtable on aligning Albania’s legal framework with the EU’s Anti-SLAPP Directive and the Council of Europe’s recommendations
Roundtable “Standards of Representation: Inclusion of People with Special Needs in Elections and Political Life.”
4th evaluation report on the activity of the Special Prosecution Office (SPAK) and the Special Courts against Corruption and Organized Crime
Discussion table “Evaluation of the Performance Evaluation System of Prosecutors in Albania: Problems and Recommendations”
Open discussion with the students of University of Elbasan on the role of Civil Society and the academia in the process of European integration
Open discussion with the students of EPOKA University
Diskutim i hapur mes studentëve të Fakultetit të Shkencave Politike-Juridike në Universitetin “Aleksander Moisiu” në Durrës
Strengthening the Accountability of Local Government Institutions
Roundtable discussion – Governed by Numbers: Statistics’ Governance in AlbaniaRoundtable discussion –
Meeting with media representatives
Performance, Accountability and Reporting in the Fight against Corruption and Organised Crime: Increasing Access to Criminal Justice System for Greater Transparency and Monitoring Improvement
Roundtable discussion on the efficiency and applicability of Integrity Plans from Public Institutions with a high risk of corruption
The role of the High Justice Inspector \ in strengthening the rule of law and improving Albania’s preparation for EU membership
Voting of the diaspora: Constitutional Basis, Electoral Legislation and challenges in the implementation of the Electoral Reform
Cyber Governance Challenges for Albania: Addressing policy choice dilemmas
Need to improve the Public Procurement
Aims and activities
The specific objectives of the project are to:
- Support the public institutions engaged in the Cluster One EU negotiations through provision of policy expertise
- Strengthen accountability and responsiveness of the public institutions engaged in the EU negotiation process to deliver on the fundamentals first and the overall pace of
- Strengthen knowledge and involvement of the professional community, relevant stakeholders and the public on processes and outcomes pertaining to Cluster One EU
Strengthen the overall role and visibility of Albanian CSOs in EU negotiation
Activities and Outputs
28 publications
28 publications (policy papers, policy briefs, discussion papers, position papers) that will cover relevant topics related to the negotiation process included in the Cluster One and developments in EU integration agenda of the
6 joint meetings
6 joint meetings between C1-EU-NPA and the government institutions involved in the negotiation process, including the
6 public discussion tables
6 public discussion tables on topics relevant to the Cluster One negotiation process that will be identified through the research and coordination and
10 press conferences
10 press conferences to communicate with the media on issues related to the Cluster One negotiation
3 conferences (1 each year)
3 conferences (1 each year) with the participation of the relevant stakeholders
Establishment of dedicated web based communication channels
Establishment of dedicated web based communication channels for the dissemination of project activities and
Regular dissemination through social media
Regular dissemination through social media of information on project activities and results or/and issues of

For further information on “Cluster 1 platform” contact us

Target group
- Public institutions involved in the overall EU negotiation process and in the negotiations of the Cluster 1 Chapters
- Research community and academia
- Civil society organisations
- Media
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