Public procurement


The acquis on public procurement includes general principles of transparency, equal treatment, free competition and non-discrimination


Chapter 18

The acquis in the field of statistics requires the existence of a statistical infrastructure based on principles such as impartiality, reliability, transparency, confidentiality of individual data and dissemination of official statistics.

Judiciary and fundamental rights

Chapter 23

EU policies in the area of judiciary and fundamental rights aim to establish an independent and efficient judiciary as of paramount importance.

Justice, Freedom and Security

Chapter 24

EU policies aim to maintain and further develop the Union as an area of freedom, security and justice. On issues such as border control, visas, external migration, asylum, police cooperation, the fight against organised crime and against terrorism, cooperation in the field of drugs, customs cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal and civil matters,

Financial control

Chapter 32

The acquis under this chapter relates to the adoption internationally recognised frameworks and standards, as well as EU good practice, on public internal financial control (PIFC), based upon the principle of decentralised managerial accountability.


  • Economic criteria
  • Functioning of democratic institutions
  • Public administration reform

News and activities

Cluster One EU Negotiations Platform – Albania (C1-EU-NPA)


Cluster One EU Negotiations Platform – Albania (C1-EU-NPA)

Discussion table “Evaluation of the Performance Evaluation System of Prosecutors in Albania: Problems and Recommendations”

Discussion table “Evaluation of the Performance Evaluation System of Prosecutors in Albania: Problems and Recommendations”

Today we hold a discussion table “Evaluation of the Performance Evaluation System of Prosecutors in Albania: Problems and Recommendations” where...
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Open discussion with the students of University of Elbasan on the role of Civil Society and the academia in the process of European integration

Open discussion with the students of University of Elbasan on the role of Civil Society and the academia in the process of European integration

Today we held the next open discussion with the University of Elbasan and the students of this university on the...
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Open discussion with the students of EPOKA University

Open discussion with the students of EPOKA University

Continuing our meetings with Universities and students and bearing in mind that integration into the European Union is a national...
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Diskutim i hapur mes studentëve të Fakultetit të Shkencave Politike-Juridike në Universitetin “Aleksander Moisiu” në Durrës

Diskutim i hapur mes studentëve të Fakultetit të Shkencave Politike-Juridike në Universitetin “Aleksander Moisiu” në Durrës

Duke pasur në vëmendje se integrimi në Bashkimin Evropian është një prioritet kombëtar për shoqërinë shqiptare, që kërkon angazhimin e...
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Strengthening the Accountability of Local Government Institutions

Strengthening the Accountability of Local Government Institutions

Transparency, accountability and the importance of the work of local government institutions on the road to European integration were the...
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Roundtable discussion – Governed by Numbers: Statistics’ Governance in AlbaniaRoundtable discussion –

Roundtable discussion – Governed by Numbers: Statistics’ Governance in AlbaniaRoundtable discussion –

Tirana, February 14, 2024 - Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance (CSDG), as part of the Civic  Engagement...
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Meeting with media representatives

Meeting with media representatives

In a concerted effort to enhance transparency, accountability, and public understanding of the EU accession process for Albania, partner organizations...
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Performance, Accountability and Reporting in the Fight against Corruption and Organised Crime: Increasing Access to Criminal Justice System for Greater Transparency and Monitoring Improvement

Performance, Accountability and Reporting in the Fight against Corruption and Organised Crime: Increasing Access to Criminal Justice System for Greater Transparency and Monitoring Improvement

CSDG organised on 20th December 2023 the Roundtable Discussion “Performance, Accountability and Reporting in the Fight against Corruption and Organised...
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Roundtable discussion on the efficiency and applicability of Integrity Plans from Public Institutions with a high risk of corruption

Roundtable discussion on the efficiency and applicability of Integrity Plans from Public Institutions with a high risk of corruption

The Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) today held a roundtable discussion on the efficiency and applicability of Integrity Plans from Public...
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The role of the High Justice Inspector \ in strengthening the rule of law and improving Albania’s preparation for EU membership

The role of the High Justice Inspector \ in strengthening the rule of law and improving Albania’s preparation for EU membership

The conference "The role of the High Justice Inspector \ in strengthening the rule of laë and improving Albania's preparation...
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Voting of the diaspora: Constitutional Basis, Electoral Legislation and challenges in the implementation of the Electoral Reform

Voting of the diaspora: Constitutional Basis, Electoral Legislation and challenges in the implementation of the Electoral Reform

"Voting of the diaspora: Constitutional Basis, Electoral Legislation and challenges in the implementation of the Electoral Reform" was the theme...
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Cyber Governance Challenges for Albania: Addressing policy choice dilemmas

Cyber Governance Challenges for Albania: Addressing policy choice dilemmas

CSDG presented today the policy paper on cyber governance challenges in Albania. Parliament member Mr. Etjen Xhafaj and Deputy Minister...
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Need to improve the Public Procurement

Need to improve the Public Procurement

As part of CI-EU-NPA "Improving the Debate on Policies and Accountability to fulfill basic rights through the creation of the...
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The prosecution service in Albania was one of the sectors that was most affected by the reform changes in the justice system, approved in 2016

The prosecution service in Albania was one of the sectors that was most affected by the reform changes in the justice system, approved in 2016

The constitutional and legal changes that were undertaken aimed at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of criminal justice through the...
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The risk of golden passports & The financial control of public sector corporations

The risk of golden passports & The financial control of public sector corporations

Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) in cooperation with AIS/Open Data Albania while implementing the initiative "Improving Policy Debate and Accountability in...
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Institutional capacities and local government decentralization as influencing factors in the process of aligning Albanian legislation with the EU acquis.

Institutional capacities and local government decentralization as influencing factors in the process of aligning Albanian legislation with the EU acquis.

This roundtable organized by CSDG - Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance and the Institute of Political Studies...
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Justice Reform: The role, balance and challenges of the High Inspector of Justice (HIJ)”

Justice Reform: The role, balance and challenges of the High Inspector of Justice (HIJ)”

Justice Reform: The role, balance and challenges of the High Inspector of Justice (HIJ)" was the topic that brought together...
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Position paper “Lights and Effects of the New Judicial Map”
Policy Paper

Position paper “Lights and Effects of the New Judicial Map”

Albanian Helsinki Committee organized an open discussion table to present the position paper "Lights and Effects of the New Judicial...
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Policy Paper – Integrity control of public contractors: EU practice and contracting in the Albanian context
Policy Paper

Policy Paper – Integrity control of public contractors: EU practice and contracting in the Albanian context

February, the Month of Civil Engagement for European Integration, began with an event of the Organization AIS, whose purpose was...
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Meeting: The media and journalists, essential role in informing the public on the issues of European integration

Meeting: The media and journalists, essential role in informing the public on the issues of European integration

The media and journalists have an essential role in informing the public on the issues of European integration, which should...
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Aims and activities


The specific objectives of the project are to:

  • Support the public institutions engaged in the Cluster One EU negotiations through provision of policy expertise
  • Strengthen accountability and responsiveness of the public institutions engaged in the EU negotiation process to deliver on the fundamentals first and the overall pace of
  • Strengthen knowledge and involvement of the professional community, relevant stakeholders and the public on processes and outcomes pertaining to Cluster One EU

  • Strengthen the overall role and visibility of Albanian CSOs in EU negotiation

Activities and Outputs

28 publications

28 publications (policy papers, policy briefs, discussion papers, position papers) that will cover relevant topics related to the negotiation process included in the Cluster One and developments in EU integration agenda of the

6 joint meetings

6 joint meetings between C1-EU-NPA and the government institutions involved in the negotiation process, including the

6 public discussion tables

6 public discussion tables on topics relevant to the Cluster One negotiation process that will be identified through the research and coordination and

10 press conferences

10 press conferences to communicate with the media on issues related to the Cluster One negotiation

3 conferences (1 each year)

3 conferences (1 each year) with the participation of the relevant stakeholders

Establishment of dedicated web based communication channels

Establishment of dedicated web based communication channels for the dissemination of project activities and

Regular dissemination through social media

Regular dissemination through social media of information on project activities and results or/and issues of


Public discussion

Press Conference


For further information on “Cluster 1 platform” contact us

Target group

  1. Public institutions involved in the overall EU negotiation process and in the negotiations of the Cluster 1 Chapters
  2. Research community and academia
  3. Civil society organisations
  4. Media

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On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike.